A Court of Wings and Ruin PDF By Sarah J. Maas Book

A Court of Wings and Ruin PDF By Sarah J. Maas Book

A Court of Wings and Ruin Book Information

Book NameA Court of Wings and Ruin
AuthorSarah J. Maas
First publishedMay 2, 2017
Number of Pages719
Book Size03 MB
Book PDF QualityBest Scan Quality
Book TypePDF

Some Parts of A Court of Wings and Ruin Book are Highlighted -


The painting was a lie.
A bright, pretty lie, bursting with pale pink blooms and fat beams of sunshine.
I’d begun it yesterday, an idle study of the rose garden lurking beyond the
open windows of the studio. Through the tangle of thorns and satiny leaves, the
brighter green of the hills rolled away into the distance.
Incessant, unrelenting spring.
If I’d painted this glimpse into the court the way my gut had urged me, it
would have been flesh-shredding thorns, flowers that choked off the sunlight for
any plants smaller than them, and rolling hills stained red.
But each brushstroke on the wide canvas was calculated; each dab and swirl
of blending colors meant to portray not just idyllic spring, but a sunny
disposition as well. Not too happy, but gladly, finally healing from horrors I
carefully divulged.
I supposed that in the past weeks, I had crafted my demeanor as intricately as
one of these paintings. I supposed that if I had also chosen to show myself as I
truly wished, I would have been adorned with flesh-shredding talons, and hands
that choked the life out of those now in my company. I would have left the
gilded halls stained red.
But not yet.
Not yet, I told myself with every brushstroke, with every move I’d made
these weeks. Swift revenge helped no one and nothing but my own, roiling rage.
Even if every time I spoke to them, I heard Elain’s sobbing as she was forced

into the Cauldron. Even if every time I looked at them, I saw Nesta fling that
finger at the King of Hybern in a death-promise. Even if every time I scented
them, my nostrils were again full of the tang of Cassian’s blood as it pooled on
the dark stones of that bone-castle.
The paintbrush snapped between my fingers.
I’d cleaved it in two, the pale handle damaged beyond repair.
Cursing under my breath, I glanced to the windows, the doors. This place was
too full of watching eyes to risk throwing it in the rubbish bin.
I cast my mind around me like a net, trawling for any others near enough to
witness, to be spying. I found none.
I held my hands before me, one half of the brush in each palm.
For a moment, I let myself see past the glamour that concealed the tattoo on
my right hand and forearm. The markings of my true heart. My true title.
High Lady of the Night Court.
Half a thought had the broken paintbrush going up in flames.
The fire did not burn me, even as it devoured wood and brush and paint.
When it was nothing but smoke and ash, I invited in a wind that swept them
from my palms and out the open windows.
For good measure, I summoned a breeze from the garden to snake through the
room, wiping away any lingering tendril of smoke, filling it with the musty,
suffocating smell of roses.

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