The Love Hypothesis Free PDF, Epub, Mobi By Ali Hazelwood Book

The Love Hypothesis Free PDF, Epub, Mobi By Ali Hazelwood Book

The Love Hypothesis Book Information

Book NameThe Love Hypothesis
AuthorAli Hazelwood
First publishedSeptember 14, 2021
Number of Pages400
Book Size02 MB
Book PDF QualityBest Scan Quality
Book TypePDF, Epub, Mobi

Some Parts of The Love Hypothesis Book are Highlighted -

Chapter One
Two years, eleven months later
In Olive’s defense, the man didn’t seem to mind the kiss too much.
It did take him a moment to adjust—perfectly understandable, given the
sudden circumstances. It was an awkward, uncomfortable, somewhat painful
minute, in which Olive was simultaneously smashing her lips against his and
pushing herself as high as her toes would extend to keep her mouth at the same
level as his face. Did he have to be so tall? The kiss must have looked like some
clumsy headbutt, and she grew anxious that she was not going to be able to pull
the whole thing off. Her friend Anh, whom Olive had spotted coming her way a
few seconds ago, was going to take one look at this and know at once that Olive
and Kiss Dude couldn’t possibly be two people in the middle of a date.
Then that agonizingly slow moment went by, and the kiss became . . .
different. The man inhaled sharply and inclined his head a tiny bit, making Olive
feel less like a squirrel monkey climbing a baobab tree, and his hands—which
were large and pleasantly warm in the AC of the hallway—closed around her
waist. They slid up a few inches, coming to wrap around Olive’s rib cage and
holding her to himself. Not too close, and not too far.
Just so.
It was more of a prolonged peck than anything, but it was quite nice, and for
the life span of a few seconds Olive forgot a large number of things, including

the fact that she was pressed against a random, unknown dude. That she’d barely
had the time to whisper “Can I please kiss you?” before locking lips with him.
That what had originally driven her to put on this entire show was the hope of
fooling Anh, her best friend in the whole world.
But a good kiss will do that: make a girl forget herself for a while. Olive
found herself melting into a broad, solid chest that showed absolutely no give.
Her hands traveled from a defined jaw into surprisingly thick and soft hair, and
then—then she heard herself sigh, as if already out of breath, and that’s when it
hit her like a brick on the head, the realization that— No. No.
Nope, nope, no.
She should not be enjoying this. Random dude, and all that.
Olive gasped and pushed herself away from him, frantically looking for Anh.
In the 11:00 p.m. bluish glow of the biology labs’ hallway, her friend was
nowhere to be seen. Weird. Olive was sure she had spotted her a few seconds

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