The Silent Patient Free PDF, Epub, Mobi By Alex Michaelides Book

The Silent Patient Book Information

Book NameThe Silent Patient
AuthorAlex Michaelides
First publishedFebruary 5, 2019
Number of Pages342
Book Size02 MB
Book PDF QualityBest Scan Quality
Book TypePDF, Epub, Mobi

Some Parts of Silent Patient Book are Highlighted -


They had been married for seven years. They were both artists—Alicia
was a painter, and Gabriel was a well-known fashion photographer. He had
a distinctive style, shooting semi-starved, semi-naked women in strange,
unflattering angles. Since his death, the price of his photographs has
increased astronomically. I find his stuff rather slick and shallow, to be
honest. It has none of the visceral quality of Alicia’s best work. I don’t
know enough about art to say whether Alicia Berenson will stand the test of
time as a painter. Her talent will always be overshadowed by her notoriety,
so it’s hard to be objective. And you might well accuse me of being biased.
All I can offer is my opinion, for what it’s worth. And to me, Alicia was a
kind of genius. Apart from her technical skill, her paintings have an
uncanny ability to grab your attention—by the throat, almost—and hold it
in a viselike grip.
Gabriel Berenson was murdered six years ago. He was forty-four years
old. He was killed on the twenty-fifth of August—it was an unusually hot
summer, you may remember, with some of the highest temperatures ever
recorded. The day he died was the hottest of the year.
On the last day of his life, Gabriel rose early. A car collected him at 5:15
a.m. from the house he shared with Alicia in northwest London, on the edge
of Hampstead Heath, and he was driven to a shoot in Shoreditch. He spent
the day photographing models on a rooftop for Vogue.
Not much is known about Alicia’s movements. She had an upcoming
exhibition and was behind with her work. It’s likely she spent the day
painting in the summerhouse at the end of the garden, which she had

recently converted into a studio. In the end, Gabriel’s shoot ran late, and he
wasn’t driven home until eleven p.m.
Half an hour later, their neighbor, Barbie Hellmann, heard several
gunshots. Barbie phoned the police, and a car was dispatched from the
station on Haverstock Hill at 11:35 p.m. It arrived at the Berensons’ house
in just under three minutes.
The front door was open. The house was in pitch-black darkness; none
of the light switches worked. The officers made their way along the hallway
and into the living room. They shone torches around the room, illuminating
it in intermittent beams of light. Alicia was discovered standing by the
fireplace. Her white dress glowed ghostlike in the torchlight. Alicia seemed
oblivious to the presence of the police. She was immobilized, frozen—a
statue carved from ice—with a strange, frightened look on her face, as if
confronting some unseen terror.
A gun was on the floor. Next to it, in the shadows, Gabriel was seated,
motionless, bound to a chair with wire wrapped around his ankles and
wrists. At first the officers thought he was alive. His head lolled slightly to
one side, as if he were unconscious. Then a beam of light revealed Gabriel
had been shot several times in the face. His handsome features were gone
forever, leaving a charred, blackened, bloody mess. The wall behind him
was sprayed with fragments of skull, brains, hair—and blood.

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